The Twins Turn 2!

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Ashton and Brooks are 2 years old! They turned two about a week and a half ago, on February 2nd. Kind of funny – 2 boys turned 2 on 2/2/2020. Lots of twos!!

I can’t believe it’s been so long since I gave a true update. I’ve mentioned some things here and there and if you follow me on Instagram, then you see them and their shenanigans on Stories regularly, but there hasn’t been a a full-on update. I’m thinking I need to do them more regularly. What do you think? Is that something you’d like to see?

All photos by Brittany Sweat Photography.

image of Ashton with arm around Brooks

image of Lindsay and Ian standing holding twins

So at their two year check up on Friday, Ashton weighed in at 31 lbs and is 35.5 inches tall. Brooks is 35 lbs and 37 inches tall. According to the growth charts, they are big for their age. Especially Brooks. They certainly feel heavier these days. I used to be able to hold them both pretty easily and even dance around, but lately it’s much harder and I can’t last holding them both at the same time for long. They’ve thinned out and gotten a good bit taller, so it’s funny to look back. They looked so much more like babies a year ago.

Gosh, where to begin looking back over the last year?! At the time of my last update, they were 13 months old and had just started walking. I was amazed at how much had changed in the first year, but I think even more changes in the second. To look back at videos of them a year ago – they truly have gone from babies to toddlers and the difference is crazy. Their understanding of the world around them has just grown so much.

So what do the boys love? WATER, WATER, WATER. It doesn’t matter if it’s a puddle on top of our hose box or a massive pool – they want to play with it or be in it. I don’t think this is uncommon for kids, but my gosh they love water. So much so that we started them on swim lessons last summer when they were 19 months old. I’ve written a little bit about it in blog posts here and there I think, but it was one of the best things we’ve done for them.

The lessons started out rough. It was supposed to be 6 weeks of them learning “swim, float, swim”, which is basically a survival swimming class. Probably the biggest thing is them learning to float if they fall in water (in my opinion) and understanding how to find their way to the surface. They said it’d be about 3 weeks that they really weren’t happy, but then they’d get into it and enjoy it.

Well, it was literally 5 full weeks before Ashton started enjoying it and almost 7 weeks for Brooks. Those weeks were TORTURE. Their lessons were 20 minutes total – 10 minutes per child – 4 days a week, every week for what ended up being about 8 weeks. It was dedication to be at those lessons at 7:30 am every day and torture to watch them cry and hate it the whole time. But then they finally caught on. They nailed their float and turns and started to love it, always signing for “MORE!”

image of Lindsay kneeling with arms around the twinsLindsay holding Brooks

Since those lessons ended, we’ve continued with lessons once a week (it’s indoors) to keep up their skills over the winter. They LOVE it now! They have fun slides and castles that they play with and swim on and I actually get in the water with them now and they love swimming with me (and dadda, when he gets in instead of me). These kids are little fish. I’m excited for summer and going to the pool, but also pretty positive that we will not EVER get a rest because they will constantly want to swim with us, LOL.

We were also fortunate to have 3 beach trips last summer and the boys just love the beach! Again – water. They just always want to be in it. Even in the ocean. The waves don’t scare them. They seemed like they’d be perfectly happy to jump out of our arms and right into the biggest waves.

The boys also love music and often dance when it’s on. I also love to dance, so I certainly encourage our dance parties.

They’ve always loved books, and still do, but their attention span isn’t always what it used to be. They are SO BUSY and seem like they’re constantly moving, so they really have to be in the mood for sitting and reading these days. They will sit for drawing with their crayons and playing with stickers though.

Speaking of being constantly busy, they really are always in motion. They love anything loud that makes plenty of noise, pushing things (like their lawn mowers) and more recently, their trains and bounce house. They also love playing at parks and have gotten better and better at climbing and love to swing. They love being outside. Sticks, dirt, rocks – you name it. They love it. Being outdoors just seems to calm them, so winter has been a little tough, since we can’t always get out much.

Brooks holding a rockBrooks holding a rock and Ian smiling and flexing his musclesimage of Ashton handing rocks to Lindsay

Speaking of winter and getting out, we were super fortunate that in their first year, they weren’t ever really sick. They had a fever once, but it was super short lived and there wasn’t really anything else that came along with it.

In their second year, they first got a 24 hour stomach bug that was the worst ever. We (mom and dad) also got it and I can tell you that I have never experienced something like that before. Brutal. That was in the spring.

Since fall, they’ve been sick 3 times. I feel like that’s nothing for some kids, but for us, it seemed like a lot. In November, they got their first legit colds – snot coming out of every orifice and everything. Ashton ended up with his first ear infection and after 10 days of medication, it turned into a double ear infection. I felt so bad for him! Brooks never got the ear infection (he’s actually pretty good at blowing and clearing his nose) and still hasn’t had one. Those were Ashton’s only ones so far.

Then I got sick and it turned into a sinus infection and bronchitis. I’d never had bronchitis before and my gosh that was rough. Trying to get better and take care of them while they were sick – jeez. It’s really true what they say that parents don’t get sick days. I feel like I got so bad because I was so focused on trying to take care of them and not getting any sleep.

Anyhow, they also ended up with the flu right after Christmas, despite getting a flu shot. Ashton’s temperature got up to 103.9 so he ended up in the ER, but they got in under control and he was fine. Brooks got it, but not as bad. Somehow, the hubs and I never got it.

And most recently over these last couple of weeks, they’ve had something again. Not really sure if it was a cold or what, but it came with a fever and congestion. They are both ok now, but I’m still getting over it.

While our illnesses may not be super interesting, they are notable to me because the hubs and I don’t get sick much. Apparently baby bugs are for real. The hubs hasn’t gotten any of them though. Just that stomach bug. But getting sick has also made us a little discouraged about getting out this winter because it seems like every time we go somewhere that kids play indoors, they get sick. Such a pain.

image of Ashton smiling
Ashton (above)
image of Brooks smiling
Brooks (above)

And eating – that’s a fun topic. The doctor told us at their 12 month appointment to expect them to start eating less, but that’s really only happened in the last couple of months. They are actually pretty good little eaters. They will eat any and all fruit and they will eat it ALL DAY LONG. They love it. They are even pretty good with veggies overall. They’ll eat avocado, asparagus, sweet potato, butternut squash, green beans, peas and carrots. The thing they like least is meat. Chicken is about it. Fortunately they like eggs, cheese, yogurt and milk so they get their protein. And what kid doesn’t like pizza or fries? They certainly do. But only if the fries come with lots of ketchup. They LOVE ketchup, LOL. At dinner the other night, they randomly started dipping their blueberries in ketchup. Kind of gross, but whatever.

They do really well with their forks and spoons. They are getting so they really aren’t messy eaters – at least not by accident. They may make a mess for fun still though.

And then talking. That’s actually been pretty slow to develop. From what I’m told, boys tend to talk later than girls and twins are often even more delayed. Ashton and Brooks definitely fall into that group. They’ve really only started using some words just in the last couple months. It’s getting better and better and it’s making life so much easier. To be able to communicate with them is just so nice. We still have to work with them on it, but it’s better. After 2 years of them being used to fussing and whining to get our attention and try to communicate, it’s a hard habit to break and actually use a word when they know it. We have started making them use words before they get what they want. They have to use the word if they know it or at least try to use a word, rather than a whine. It’s definitely been helping.

As an example of the types of talking they’re doing now – they often pee through their diapers at night. Brooks in particular. Sometimes it’s just a little bit, but plenty often he has wet himself from waist to ankle. We use night time diapers in a bigger size, but he still pees through them. They sleep in sleep sacks, so it doesn’t get everywhere and it doesn’t bother him. But a couple mornings ago, for the very first time ever, he told me he was wet as soon as he got out of bed. I picked him up out of his crib and he said “wet”. It took a few times before I realized what he was saying, but then I got so excited that he told me (praised him a ton, of course) and changed him immediately. Normally they’ll run around in their sleep sacks for maybe 15 minutes or so and just kind of wake up before I change them, but with him talking to me – even in the smallest way – I was able to go ahead and change him. Such a big step for him and us!

We could be worried about the talking, but aren’t really and our pediatrician isn’t either. They are delayed, but still making progress and doing super well lately. But boy does communicating make life easier. Even when it’s something as simple as them telling us they want their “teddy” rather that crying for an unknown reason. The more talking and less fussing/crying/trying to figure out how to get what they need, the better.

image of whole family standingimage of Ian holding Ashton

The other thing we’ve dealt with over this past year is the development of pushing, biting and pinching. For a while, Ashton was biting. We managed to break that habit, but then the last several months, Brooks has been biting. It’s been much harder to break him of the habit, but I do really think that as they begin to talk more and are able to express themselves, it’ll help. Right now, if they are fighting over a toy or something, they don’t use words to deal with it. Not even “no”. So I’m hoping that will improve with time.

We did start utilizing timeout at 18 months. It’s been a good thing. They definitely know what it is and understand and it seems to be a deterrent – for now.

These kiddos are getting more and more spunky and independent. Brooks in particular is getting so that he wants to do things for himself.

They really are so fun and adorable. I think they are quite happy little guys. They laugh a lot and they are so darn loved. We really love them to pieces and just love watching them grow and learn and do new things. It’s the most fun part of being a parent – to see them achieve something new and get so proud of themselves. The best!

image of whole family sittingimage of Lindsay kneeling with Brooks

And since it’s been the trend in these posts, I’ll share the update on me. This last year I’ve been able to focus a little more on taking care of myself. I have mentioned throughout the year that I’ve been losing the baby weight. I bought an elliptical machine and have been using that and made some changes to my eating habits. As of October, I’d lost 35 pounds of the 40 pounds I wanted to lose. I feel like I’ll get around to that last 5 pounds eventually, but I just needed a break from focusing on that for a bit.

For me, losing the weight has been really nice. I just feel better mentally and physically. It’s been good to strengthen my body as well. It not only helps with keeping up with two busy little boys, but it’s helped with some back pain I was having. I’ve mentioned before that I have diastasis recti from my pregnancy. It started at about 5 1/2 fingers, if I remember correctly. It’s now at about 1 1/2 fingers. It’s HARD to get it to close all the way. But I was having a lot of back pain when sleeping at night that I think was due to that and just a general lack of core strength from everything. Since getting back into shape, I haven’t had that problem anymore, which is wonderful. I don’t wake up in the morning unable to sleep any more because of back pain.

The hubs and I took a trip to the Bahamas back in April for our 10 year wedding anniversary, which was really nice. It’s hard to focus on each other with two little ones around, so it was much needed for us to kind of reconnect after a crazy first year with twin babies. We try really hard to get date nights when we can and are currently trying to plan a trip for us two again. We are believers in keeping “us” good. Our relationship trickles down to our family life and we genuinely just want to love each other and love our kids. We can do that best when we focus on God, our marriage and then our family.

And I think that’s it! We’ve got two spunky, beautiful, fun and crazy little boys that are such wonderful blessings. We are so thankful for them and being their parents. It’s not easy parenting twins. We often feel like we aren’t able to give each of them the kind of individual attention we’d like to, but we do our best. If there’s anything you’re wondering about that I didn’t mention, feel free to ask! I’m really a pretty open book. And again, if you think it’d be nice to get more regular updates like this, let me know!

image of Ashton with his arm around Brooks

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  1. Krista

    Wow!!! I can’t believe how grown up the boys look! They are adorable!!! Two already. And you look fantastic, Lindsay and I am glad to hear that you are feeling better too! I pray that you all stay virus free for the next while! Glad to see you are focusing on your marriage and God too!!! 💕

  2. Linda

    Hi Lindsay, I am new to your blog and I made your Strawberry Cake recipe (July 29, 2019 post) today for a co-worker to celebrate her birthday tomorrow at work, btw her name is Lindsay also. Great pictures…your boys are so cute!

  3. Laurie Binns

    Wow, I can’t believe it’s been two years already!! And yes, I’d love to see more updates. They’re so cute!

  4. Suzy-q

    Thank you for sharing your family with us, Lindsay! Please continue to share the family stories that make life wonderful, interesting and sometimes a little hairy!

    The boys are adorable and bring a big smile to my face. I have four grandchildren that I take care of and there is never a dull day! Enjoy every moment! Bravo on your weight loss. Moms need to take care of themselves too!
    God bless all of you!

  5. Teija

    I’ve followed your journey for a few years now – love these updates! The boys are precious and growing like weeds! Congrats on your weight loss – I lost 35# last year, too, and felt so much better! If I keep baking like I have been it’s all going to go right back on 😉

    1. Lindsay

      Thank you Teija! Congratulations on your weight loss! I know it isn’t easy. All the baking is definitely something I have to look out for too lol.

  6. Candice

    What a beautiful family. The happiness flows from each of you. Kids are definitely a blessing from God. Thanks for making me smile and reminding me of how blessed my husband and I are to have 4 children. It has truly been a joy to watch them grow into adults and now have their own children. Just wait until the day you are a grandparent. It is priceless! God Bless each of you and thanks for sharing your family.

  7. Lori A Bynum

    I’ am an avid follower of you blog and website. Your boys are adorable 😍 and it’s fantastic that your able to share your talent and your family with your cooking community!!!! I truly enjoy your posts and look forward to your upcoming recipes!!!😊

  8. Vickie

    Your family is fabulous! Thank you for sharing with us! Just one question though- how on earth did you possibly find time to develop recipes for your blog?!!! Stars and garters, I need a nap just reading all you and the hubs have gone thru this past year. Oh to be young again. Love on those little ones like tomorrow will never come. So blessed to read your testimony to your faith, your marriage and your family.

    1. Lindsay

      LOL! Thank you Vickie! Life certainly keeps us busy, but I do have someone that helps me out a few days a week with the boys so that I can get work done. I definitely couldn’t do it without the help!

  9. Julia S

    Loved the pictures. Such happy little boys. My daughter had a rare inherited problem as a child. I trusted my pediatrician and didn’t listen to well meaning advice. Today she is turning 33, happily married and still a joy in our lives. Follow your heart and in the end it all works out!

  10. Grace

    Lindsay, thank you for sharing your family with us. I just love it. You and hubby are doing an amazing job, a wonderful thing that they are taking swimming lessons that is absolutely a must for kids these days so that they can stay safe. Looking forward to hearing from you & talking about your beautiful family. Be well and God bless your family:)

  11. Susan

    Loved reading about how you and your precious boys are doing.  They really are adorable!  My husband and I had triplets when our oldest child was 2 1/2 and I remember well those early years. So sweet but also exhausting in every way. You are very wise to carve out times for you and your husband to be alone together and focus on your marriage. The effort it takes to do that will pay off and you’ll be so glad you did.  Sounds like you’re doing such a great job….keep up the good work and remember, you will make mistakes but don’t beat yourself up…hand them over to God; his grace is big enough to cover every one of them. ❤️

    1. Lindsay

      Thank you so much, Susan! Wow, triplets! Knowing life with twins, it’s hard to imagine triplets. Then you literally have not enough hands, LOL!

  12. Alex

    I really enjoyed this update – thanks for sharing! You have a beautiful family! I’m a reader from outback Australia – your site is always the first I search for anything I want to bake! I have a son who is nearly 2 and I loved reading about your boys – all children are so different! My son hates water – he stands and watches the other kids while they splash around in puddles – haha! I absolutely love your blogs and your sharing about Christ too. Amazing! 

    1. Lindsay

      Thank you so much Alex! It’s wonderful to hear that you enjoy the site! And it is amazing how different kids can be! So much fun to watch them grow into their individual personalities!

  13. Erin

    Awww, your boys are so sweet, Lindsay! Love their smiles; they made me smile, too 🙂 And hey, blueberries in ketchup might be tasty, for all we know! A little girl I know dips her pizza in Coca Cola, sooooo…I just think that combining foods is a thing with young kids. Though when I was little, I wanted everything separate; I hated if anything touched something else on my dinner plate, finicky eater that I was. But your boys are so lucky to grow up with all of your gorgeous desserts! Who wants meat when you can have cake???

    1. Lindsay

      Thanks Erin! I tend to be more like you even as an adult, LOL! I don’t like too many things touching. And the boys have started enjoying some occasional treats since the fall. They definitely love them!

  14. Sharlene Baker 😎

    Thank you for sharing your story and lovely pictures to go along with it. So nice to see children learning about their world and exploring them! I remember when my daughter was that age (she’s 16-1/2, almost 17 now). I work in a daycare with three year olds. Cherish these moments because they go as quick as a blink. Next thing you realize, you’ll be applying for colleges for them, as I am with my daughter. Enjoy them!!


    Hi Lindsay, So happy to hear that you are all well and happy! You are both such good and smart parents. Love that your handsome, adorable little boys are learning to swim because that is a vital necessity for children to stay safe. I one day look forward to hearing about future horseback lessons as soon as they start riding the black lab…LoL. As always stay healthy and keep your fabulous recipes coming.

    1. Lindsay

      LOL, I’m sure they would ride Jessie right now if they could! There’s actually a horse farm behind our house, so they see horses pretty regularly. Maybe riding will be in their future, who knows? Thanks Victoria!

  16. Debbie

    What a lovely family! Being a Mom is the BEST job ever even with all the struggles. Thank you for sharing the update and yes, I’d like to see more. Keep up the great work two healthy happy boys is evidence you’re a loving parent. 

  17. Cori

    Great reading your post today.
    I am a grandmother of Sybil – just about the same age as your boys.
    You are so open and honest talking about motherhood.
    It helps me to get a better insight into my daughters experiences.
    Even though I had two boys very close together it was three decades ago so the memory is very selective. May your family continue on with an abundance of happiness and good health!

    1. Lindsay

      Lol!! That is what so many people say. But the hubs and I agree when we look at some of my baby pictures that they do look like me, it’s just not as obvious. Ha! They definitely look a lot like their daddy though and that’s just fine with me!

  18. Darlene L.

    I know you don’t want to hear this, but they look like ‘little men’ already!   So grown and adorable.  You have such a lovely family and thank you for making us a part of it!  💕🙏

  19. karen teng

    Lovely !
    Parenting is a twenty four seven and three hundred and sixty five days job.. My twin boys are 17 years.
    I can still remember those baby days vividly just like yesterday.
    Enjoy every moment and keep more updates coming. Thank You.

  20. Deborah Behney

    Thank you so much for the update!!! I have enjoyed being a “Part” of your family from afar.
    The twins are so sweet and what a difference the short amount of time has made. It did
    my heart good this morning to read this add see the photos of your family. Saying a prayer
    right now for all of you. Thank you again!

  21. Julie G

    You have such a beautiful family!  Parenthood is a never ending, evolving, living thing. My daughters are 28 and 30. I remember those baby days like they were just yesterday. Enjoy every moment!  
    We put an in ground pool in our yard when they were about 4 and 6. I was determined to teach them to swim and by the end of the 2nd year they were like 2 fish…it was amazing. So good for children to learn safety around water.
    Healthy, happy children are the goal and I think you’ve achieved that!  Keep being the great mama you are and DON’TSWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!  We all make mistakes along the way, but that’s the way we learn. 
    I wish you, and your family, all the best the world has to offer. 

  22. Sireeta

    Hi i’m new to your blog. I found your YT channel a few weeks ago. I just had to comment about your cute little men! Yes you have little men lol! Parenting is a roller coaster, it’s a blessing though.

About Lindsay

I'm a wife and a mom to twin boys and a baby girl! And I've got a serious sweets addiction! Bring on the treats!

Scripture I’m Loving

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29