A Day in the Life

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Curious to see what a day in the life of a blogger is like? Well I can’t say that my day is quite the same as a full-time blogger, but it’s my day no less.

Today I’m joining a handful of great bloggers to show a behind the scenes look at a glimpse into the day of a life of a blogger. I think it’s so interesting to see what others do. I know for me it’s a bit different because I work full-time, but the fun and interesting part is how I fit the rest in. ๐Ÿ™‚

And since no two people are the same, it’ll be fun to check out how everyone else does it, too. I have links to the other posts below. As for spending a day with me – here’s what my Monday (yesterday), looked like:

7:00ish – Rise and shine! Time to get the day going and get ready for work!

7:50 – Let Jessie out and feed her. Then sit down to do a couple things. Is that not the cutest face?

A day in the life - Jessie

8:00 – Morning blog time. Check emails, blog comments, social media and do other bloggy stuff. Sometimes I take pictures in the morning light but not today!

9:15ish – At work. This is my favorite spot. Nice and comfy. I will spend the next few hours hereโ€ฆ

Day in the life

12:00ish – โ€ฆuntil lunch. I’ve been lazy recently and haven’t been bringing my own, so yesterday was Which Which. The best of the sub places. How awesome does that sandwich look?! It tasted just as good as it looks.

Day in the life - yummy sandwich!

1:00ish – Back to work.

A co-worker showed me this video yesterday. Have you seen it? It’s awesome and so catchy! I’d listen to it and jam out in my car, no joke. Plus, it’s just brilliant. Even the text at the bottom of the video is fun to watch. My favorite part is the no smoking kid. #dontyoudoit

An no, this post isn’t sponsored by Virgin America, I just think the video rocks. I also think it’s cool to see how they made it.

5:00ish – Leave work. Car dance a little while in traffic, unfortunately not to the Virgin America song.

Day in the life - car dancing

There was an accident. #bummer #thatsucks


Realize I have a lot to do and decide to skip the gym. Re-route to hit the store on the way home. Mentally kick myself – you better work out tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™‚

5:45ish – Grocery store. Just need a few things tonight, no biggie.

Crap! I got snared by the holiday candy! End up buying Gingerbread Twix and Gingerbread M&Ms.

Day in the life - gingerbread M&Ms and gingerbread Twix

6:00 – Leave store, headed home.

6:15 – My evening walk with Jessie (the hubs has mornings). I love her cute little trot.

I can’t believe how dark it is and it’s only 6:20! It makes it feel so late, which stresses me out because I have lot I want to do yet tonight.


6:50 – How is this table so full of stuff? I’ll pretend it’s because we were out of town over the weekend…and deal with it later.


Let’s see what piled up in the mail while we were gone over the weekend. Jessie got mail and the Royals had a big day! Woop Woop! ๐Ÿ™‚


No bills – gotta love that!

7:00 – The baking finally begins!


9:00 – The hubs gets home. I’ve accomplished more than I had expected, so I try to wrap it up and get dinner together. Yes, we eat dinner late. I try to wait for him to get home so we can eat together.

9:30 – We eat dinner and watch The Walking Dead, which we recorded Sunday night because we were driving back from Charlotte (did you see the Panthers beat the Falcons?!). Honestly, this season of The Walking Dead has been pretty disappointing so far. Literally in the middle of the episode, the hubs asked if anything was ever going to happen. ๐Ÿ™

10:15 – The hubs goes to finish a few work emails. I finish a couple baking things and clean up.

10:45 – Fold some laundry.

11:00 – Finish up my blog post.

!2:00 – Bed time. My favorite time of the day. Off to dreamland…

And that’s it! I don’t know how that seems to you, but to me it’s jam packed! Never a spare second! It can be exhausting, but I love it and try to build in days that are less crazy and more relaxing. The hubs makes sure of it. He likes to make sure he gets his time with me too. ๐Ÿ™‚

So there you have it! A day in the life. What’s your day like?

Want to see what other bloggers do each day? Take a look behind the scenes and see what a day in the life is like with these bloggers…

Love From The Oven

Crazy For Crust

What’s Cooking Love

Cupcake And Bacon

Thanks for joining us! I’ll be back later this week with a recipe.

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  1. J.nelly

    Ok my friend, you make me laugh, and from this post I am reminded why I love you so. First thing- that Virgin America video is pretty awesome and catchy, but I can’t believe that you jam out to it in your car. Actually I do believe it, …yeah I can totally see you doing that actually, and you probably know most if not all of the words too. At least in the beginning and end parts when there’s more singing and less dialogue. Am I right, am I right?!? I got five on it.
    Also, I have no idea what Walking Dead episodes you’re talking about, but this one last Sunday had me sitting on the edge of my seat!! Maybe because the hubs was still working and I was watching it alone, but seriously couldn’t believe the ending…. I don’t think Rick’s decision with Karen will go over well with the rest of the gang! That show just freaks me out but I can’t stop watching…. still am loving Daryl and his crossbow self…

    1. lifeloveandsugar@gmail.com

      I don’t actually jam out to it, I’m just saying it’s catchy enough that I would. Clearly you need to come visit me so can shake our tail feathers. ๐Ÿ™‚ And I don’t know what you were in such suspense about with Walking Dead. It’s kind of blah. I mean, they’ve totally taken the suspense away by introducing these new folks and not showing much of the others. I mean, hello – where are Maggie and Glen. Shouldn’t they be milking the whole he’s dying thing? I think Daryl will be sad that Karen is gone, but that other dude would kill her when he finds out what she did. She’s gotten a bit cray. And I too love Daryl. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Julianne @ Beyond Frosting

    Yes, totally feeling that way about the Walking Dead too! Sunday’s episode was so uneventful.

  3. Dorothy @ Crazy for Crust

    I love that video!!! OMG so funny. Are the gingerbread twix good? They kinda freaked me out a little. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love reading about your day!

    1. lifeloveandsugar@gmail.com

      Isn’t it awesome! It makes me want to dance ๐Ÿ™‚ The twix are actually pretty good. It’s kind of like the caramel is spiced with gingerbread, so it’s subtle but good.

      Thanks Dorothy! ๐Ÿ™‚

About Lindsay

Iโ€™m the baker, recipe developer and photographer behind Life, Love and Sugar. I love sharing trusted recipes with helpful tips to give you great results.

Scripture I’m Loving

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29