Cookbook Recipe Testers!

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You may or may not have seen my announcement in November (see my blog post: Big Announcement) about my cookbook, but it’s well underway! And a little terrifying. 😉

Chocolate Mousse Brownie Cake

It’s also a crazy busy time and I need your help! I want to make sure that everything that goes into the book is just as it should be so I need to have people other than myself test out the recipes and make sure everything is well written and works as expected. I’ll be starting to send out recipes in January.

If you are interested, please fill out this quick form (UPDATE: Signups are closed. Thank you SO MUCH for volunteering to help! We are currently sending out recipes and trying to get to everyone who signed up). There’s a variety of cakes and whatnot in the book, so I mainly want to know your preferences and allergies and such so I can send you an appropriate recipe to test. Some are more involved in decorating than others too, so be sure to let me know what you’re comfortable with.

Thank you so much for your help making this the best cookbook it can be!

Happy New Year!!

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Have a question? Use the form below to submit your question or comment. I love hearing from you and seeing what you made!

  1. kathy

    I use your recipes for all of our parties, my friends can’t wait to see what I will bring. I also supply my son and daughters work with your delights. Any time you need an extra tester I would love to help

  2. Taryn Camp

    I am new to your site and obsessively trying your recipes! This weekend was cannoli poke cake. If you need any other testers, we would love to!

    1. Lindsay

      I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying the site and recipes! The testing is all done actually. Thanks so much for volunteering to help though! The book will be out in October. 🙂

  3. Crystal

    I dont have any allergies. I like cakes and etc that are simple and quick sometimes but id also like to recieve others as well, to test myself and see what i could do. Thanks so much….

  4. Lillian Loar

    I enjoy cooking and baking. I even had my own restaurant about thirty years ago. I would love to test your recipes.

    1. Lindsay

      Thanks for volunteering Lillian! Did you get a chance to fill out the form above? That’s what we are using to send out the recipes for testing. Thanks!

  5. Yvonne

    Love your blog and adore your writing style! Congrats on the upcoming cookbook, big news!! Hope I’m a lucky recipe tester 🙂

    Best of luck and looking forward to the final product!

    1. Lindsay

      Thanks so much Yvonne! I am trying to get recipes out to everyone, but had quite a few people sign up. Keep an eye out for an email!

  6. Priya

    I know it’s late and you may not need more people but I filled out the form just in case! (I adore your blog but was so busy after the holidays missed your initial call for help!) I bake frequently for friends and family and hopefully my comfort level will be of some use for you 🙂

    1. Lindsay

      Thanks so much Priya! I so appreciate you signing up. There have been quite a few people to sign up, but I’ll do my best. 🙂

  7. Kim

    I adore your site. I only check it every few weeks (kids, job, grad school) but any time I need a delicious dessert, your site is the first I consult. Can’t wait for your book to come out!

  8. Jenn Weiner

    That sounds like so much fun!! I love to bake and cook. If you are still in need of testers please let me know. We have no allergies. I am willing to try any recipe. Cake decorating is something I can do but I am not super at it!!


      Thanks so much Jenn! I’m not sure at this point if we’ll need more people or not, but if you’d like to fill out the form to add your name to the list I’ll try to be sure you get something to test. Thanks!

  9. Molly

    Gahhhh i love your blog so much! I L-O-V-E cake and I cannot wait until your cookbook comes out! I’m working on my layer cake making skills and I am looking forward to more of your tips in your new book. best of luck with everything!

  10. Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie

    I may need to do this just so I can have early access to your recipes O:-) haha. BTW, that cake photo is crazy stunning.

About Lindsay

I'm a wife and a mom to twin boys and a baby girl! And I've got a serious sweets addiction! Bring on the treats!

Scripture I’m Loving

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29